Bulletin Board

Events Calendar:


Please Click below for Important – Environmental Impact Statement (EIS):

(For SpaceX Starship–Super Heavy Launch Vehicle
at Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center)




Next Business Meeting is

Monday, February 3rd, 2025 at 6:00pm,– In person at:

St. Luke’s Church Meeting Hall

5555 North Tropical Trail

Our Speaker will be: Georganna Gillette, Executive Director of the Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization. She will be talking about the North Merritt Island Pioneer Trail and other transportation related information.

This location will allow for social distancing 

Usually First Monday of the month 

General membership meeting

All meetings are open.



The next Board of County Commissioners Zoning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 at 5pm.

NMIHOA - North Merritt Island Homeowners Association


The NMIHOA Board of Directors meets the first Monday of each month at the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church at 5555 North Tropical Trail, Merritt Island at 7 p.m.  Regularly scheduled meeting dates may change to the first Tuesday or second Monday if the first Monday is a public holiday.  Also, the Association does not meet in December.  Meeting dates are posted in the Association newsletter, the “Courtenay Notes” and this website.

Often there are scheduled speakers on the agenda regarding current issues relating to NMI or interesting topics.  At other monthly meetings, the Board will meet for Association business only, and occasionally hold special meetings at the discretion of the President.  All meetings are open.

Those wishing to be placed on the agenda as a scheduled speaker, particularly regarding rezoning items, need to contact the HOA President at least four weeks in advance for scheduling information, so this presentation may be announced in the newsletter to all members.  Unscheduled speakers may be limited to three minutes, if time allows. 
Membership Meetings are held each June for annual Election of Officers, quarterly and as called by the President.nmi_icon





Click to View some Older Past Activities: 

2018 Christmas Golf Cart Parade Images

2019 Pioneer day Feb. 9 – Images

April 2019 Mtg – Cty Stormwater Mngmt Program – Powerpt




Recent Events affecting NMI :

D3 Commissioner Tobia presented NMI Density proposal Aug.6, 2019
On Tuesday, August 6, at the 5:00 p.m. Board of County Commission meeting, D3 Commissioner John Tobia made a proposal to accept Recommendation 3 of the NMI Small Area Plan presented to the Commission last year “to amend the Future Land Use Map to limit density to 1 residence per 2.5 acres for all vacant properties with existing Agricultural Residential (AU) Zoning, excluding all existing Binding Development Plans”.
This agenda item can be viewed at http://brevardcountyfl.iqm2.com/Citizens/Default.aspx  Click on “agenda packet” link to the right of Aug. 6 meeting line. The item is on page 362, Item J2.

It was tabled

It was decided that they didn’t want to be rushed into holding off (a moratorium on any  zoning changes) until the NMI Flooding study was completed by Fall 2020.

NMIHOA - North Merritt Island Homeowners Association


SAS (Small Area Study) Update: Completed!

On Nov. 1, 2018 5:00 p.m. Board of County Commissioners in Viera.

The Commissioners decided to postpone the acceptance of the study “as is” for further study of Flooding and …

2018-11-01 – Small Area Study and Documents from Brevard County Commissioners Meeting

More info to come…

Please continue to contact the Commissioners to accept the North Merritt Island “Small Area Study” as is and amend in the future if necessary!

It will SHAPE the FUTURE of North Merritt Island



At Our September 2018 meeting – Supervisor Beraafladt of the Sykes Creek (NMI) Wastewater Treatment Plant spoke about understanding where your reclaimed water comes from and where our wastewater goes.

At the February meeting – Dale Allen, President of the Florida Greenways and Trails Foundation, was our guest speaker.To find out more Go To: http://fgtf.org/


From March 15, 2018, 
The Demucking Sykes Creek or Muck Removal To N. Merritt Isl.

Back story: This de-mucking is one of the 42 projects designed to clean up the Indian River Lagoon, originally from the unanimous recommendations made in January and February 2017 by the “Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan Citizen Oversight Committee” and brought  to the Brevard County commissioners.

In March 2017, The Brevard County commissioners unanimously approved those projects, allocating a total of $25.87 million from the special half-cent-per-dollar sales tax to be used for lagoon cleanup efforts. Total cost of these projects which will affect areas from Mims to Micco, is $68.77 million. The balance will come from other funding sources. $10 million has been allocated  for the Sykes Creek muck dredging project.

Now: The winning proposal to remove the muck (from the Kiwanis Island area) of Sykes Creek will pump 642,000 cubic yards of muck  8.5 miles through 16-20” pipes with the assistance of 5 large diesel booster pumps to a 65 acre site on E. Crisafulli Rd. on N. Merritt Isl.This site will be bermed 10-15 ft. on its’ perimeter and there is no requirement to remove any material.The pumping will be ongoing for approximately 2 years.

What Mr. Barfield is planning to do is request that the current procurement be cancelled, and a new RFP be written up with more specific options of what would be acceptable methods and outcomes for demucking Sykes Creek.   Mr. Barfield requested 3-4 alternatives be developed.

These would be reviewed by us and we could input our preferred options. – This proposal will be presented to the Commission on April 24th..

(April 3, Update: There were a couple of possible alternatives presented to the NMIHOA meeting on April 2. Details to follow).

We will need folks to contact and speak with the Southern Commissioners (and Pritchet) to let them know our opinions as this whole idea could be voted down 3-2 and the current route move forward.  However… County staff is doubtful that the current proposal is feasible or permitable.   In any event, we need to keep petitioning the other Commissioners.


From March 12, 2018, 10:17:51 AM EDT

From Waste Management Inc. of Florida:

Attention: From August 2017

 Public Information Releases
Emergency Management Office Don Walker
Communications Director
(321) 690-6843

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Digital Preliminary Flood Maps for Brevard County Ready for Public Viewing

BREVARD COUNTY, FL. — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has completed its restudy for coastal Brevard County and released preliminary Flood Insurance Rate maps.

New storm surge modeling will result in changes to flood zone areas on the Barrier Island and Merritt Island. Some areas will have revised flood elevations, which will impact annual flood insurance premiums, both positively and negatively. Some areas not currently in flood zones will change and be included, which will then require mandatory flood insurance for a mortgage.

The public is invited to view and comment on the preliminary maps and data by attending one of the upcoming FEMA Open House meetings:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 20, from 2-5 p.m., Space Coast Room, 2nd Floor, Building C, Brevard County Government Center
  • Thursday, Sept. 21, from 4-7 p.m., Main Dining Room, Cocoa Beach Country Club

Find out whether your property is impacted, how a change may affect you, how securing flood insurance coverage before a change can save you money, and how to appeal a change either before or after the fact. FEMA staff will be available for questions and information on these and other topics of interest.


“No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”

Edmund Burke




Port Canaveral North MI Rail Plan Continues…

Ted Lund, a local freelance journalist, is pursuing records from the Port Canaveral Authority about the Proposed Freight Rail Line. However, he is being confronted by much resistance from the Port.

 He has started a gofundme site to help raise money to pay for the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records.   It is a shame the Port will not provide these voluntarily.  If you would like to contribute, please go to: www.gofundme.com/portrail. More information from Ted on the rail issue, please see: www.tedlund.com.
You can also visit Sue Ford’s website, www.stopportcanaveralrailextension.com and sign a petition opposing the Port Canaveral Rail Extension.

Take Note:

A new website www.noportrail.com was recently
created by concerned citizens who oppose the Canaveral
Port Authority’s plan to build a cargo train route for
environmental, economic and aesthetic reasons. Citizens
can express their thoughts on the website.



Residents have been curious about signs placed on property along SR3 stating that Sewers are coming soon. Liz Alward from Commissioner Barfield’s office informed us that the County obtained funding and grant funds to extend the sewer main north on Courtenay Parkway from Hall road to North Tropical Trail.

At this time no existing residents will be required to connect to this planned extension.

Mr. Jim Helmer from the County stated that the County is currently developing a task order with Bussen-Mayer Engineering to accomplish the following:

  1. Determine the scope of the project (length of line, pipe sizing, feasibility to add reuse line).
  2. Design the project.
  3. Determine possible build out of service area.
  4. Develop a timeline.

After the project has been permitted, bid and constructed, a cost per connection will be developed. This would be the total cost of design and construction (less grant proceeds) divided by the number of possible equivalent residential connections (ERCs) that the line could service in the future. This cost per ERC would be included in a Board Resolution and would stipulate a Capital Recovery Charge which would be payable in addition to regular sewer impact fees.

Residential properties are not required to hook up to a sewer force main.

Existing commercial properties that have an estimated daily water usage exceeding 1,000 gallons per day or those zoned industrial will be required to connect to the force main if their existing septic tank and/or drainfield fail. Any new construction meeting the previous mentioned criteria will be required to connect.

The benefits of this project will be improved ground water quality and decreased nutrients making into the Lagoon system. The downside is that developers will use this as a justification for higher density developments.

The NMIHOA is currently planning a tour of the sewage treatment facility on NMI. If anyone would like to attend please contact your district representative so you can be notified for the dates/time.



In April 2015, the Canaveral Port Authority held a “public information” meeting at the Port Commission chambers that was overflowing into the outer reception area and street, with standing room only in the chamber. members of the community were in strong opposition to this proposed freight train in our lagoon.  Of the 5 elected Port Commissioners, not one was seen.

At both meetings the community listed the Brevard’s economy, property values, the environment, safety, security and quality of life as primary aspects that would greatly suffer with this proposed freight train construction.

All await the Federal Surface Transportation Board’s DRAFT of the required Environmental Impact Statement that is now underway.   It is scheduled to be finished either this fall or early spring of 2016.  See the below article on this Freight train issue for more important information.

Once this Environmental Impact Statement comes out, there will be renewed concern over the possibility of losing our economic engine, property values, etc.  All our elected officials will be expected to say more than their current, “No Comment”.

There is no doubt this proposed construction will negatively impact the Indian River Lagoon, Wetland Environment, Wildlife & Habitat, Water and Air Quality, all Merritt Island Property Values, Brevard’s Tourist and Business Economy and particularly our NMI Quality of Life.  The question is only “How Much”…or perhaps the better question is “What on earth are they thinking?”


The NMIHOA has set up an special “Spot” internet survey port to assess the views of our residents.  Clink the below link to access the “Spot” survey. 

 Spot Survey Question:

1. Cape Crossings is planning to construct 84 homes, 31 boat slips, a restaurant and boat ramp on the former Tingley Marina site, which is just south of the Barge Canal.  There are currently no plans to “improve” the SR 3/Tingley Drive intersection.  Please choose from the following regarding your opinion of the impact this proposed complex may have on NMI traffic:

1. No Impact___ 

2. Slight Impact ___

3. Significant Impact during peak traffic times and when the drawbridge opens___ 

4. Major Impact most of the time with likely increased delays, confusion and possibly accidents___ 




Space Coast Government TV is a 24 hour, 7 day per week local government access channel.   Your Brevard County Commission meetings are broadcast live there.  It is shown on Spectrum cable channel 499 in most of Brevard County (or ? on digital TV), on Comcast Channel 51 in North Brevard and on Comcast channel 13 in South Brevard.  Program schedules are updated daily at www.scgtv.org.nmi_icon